"Revolt, disorder, chaos, anything that has no meaning. It seems to me to be the road to freedom." - Jim Morrison


An extermination to begin the path. 

Sometimes the strongest have to fall for the righteous to stand tall. On top of the ashes of the fallen, atop the mountain of corpses that will be laid down for this magical path to greatness.

See, not your usual blonde, am I?

*The lights slowly fade into a dark hallway, metal framework visible lining the roof above the two heads in the camera. The first, the one who spoke, is Alison Gunn, the second her tag team partner and fellow member of the group known as the Fall; Lacy Valentine. The blonde bombshell and the raven haired beauty stand confident in front of the camera, only visible from the chest up due to the angle from the camera. Lacy is wearing her usual black wrestling attire, whilst Alison is wearing a gold and white wrestling top, tight to her skin, both with smirks on their face. 

The truth of the matter is, there's absolutely nothing usual about what's happening now in the landscape of the World Wrestling Organisation. It's being brought to it's knees by a force never before seen in the world of wrestling. It's being destroyed from the inside, the deterioration of it's core, the destruction of it's centre. The WWO WILL FALL. 

And we will be the ones to bring it to it's knees.

*This time it's Lacy who speaks, her near-insane eyes glaring into the camera with increasing intensity, as if everything in the world glues to her eyes, her voice, her face, when she speaks. 

You people don't need to understand, i'm sure you're limited brainpower means most of you can't, either. All you need to know is that there is nothing you can do to stop your heroes from being vanquished, at our feet. Case in point? Eric. Thorne. 

*The two share a quick, evil glance as they concentrate their focus on the camera once again.

You can try, as hard as you like, to use desperation and your "Last will" strength to try and overcome us, but at the end of the day there will be nothing anybody can do except watch. Watch and learn what happens when the Fall sets it's sights on a goal. And executes it. We are NOT going to be stopped, no matter how times we say it, it won't become any less true.

And that starts this week, with puny....little....wolf man...

*Another flash of a grin by Alison as she picks up where Lacy left off.

Eric, you've got your sights set on the World Heavyweight championship. It just so happens that the man who is currently holding that World title doesn't really want you to gte anywhere near it, and so here we are. No disqualifications. Our boyfriends and fellow crusaders standing on the outside of the ring, waiting to get in for the kill. 

And you seriously think you stand a chance? Any chance at all in fighting off the four most dominant people in this entire company? Keep dreaming little puppy.

As soon as we step into that ring, Eric, you should know that what you'll be stepping to is an extermination. YOUR extermination. And the only thing you should be worried about - not Avalon, not PTI, the ONLY thing you need to worry your tiny wolf brain about, is the two femme fatales standing right in front of you. 

Because they will be your demise.


"Why the hell did we even have to go shopping? We should be focusing on the little dweeb we'll be fighting tomorrow." Lacy's face says it all, Alison rolling her eyes as she stands in the middle of the flood of people washing over them inside the crowded shopping centre. 

"Because, it'll take your mind off of the Diosa thing, give us some team time together, and i get to look for a new dress to wear for our post-Warfare victory party." Alison grins at Lacy, her eyes wandering over the stores laid out before her in the massive complex, while Lacy looks far from impressed. 

The difference can be seen in the way they're dressed - Alison in an extravagant pair of white jeans and a golden jacket wrapped around a bright red singlet, and Lacy in her usual black tank top and jeans; simple yet still stunning on her.

"Are you kidding me? We're having a party to celebrate squishing a bug?" 

"Of course we are, have you met our boyfriends?" Alison smirks as it's now Lacy's turn to roll her eyes. "Come on, try on a couple of dresses, some jeans, something!" Alison is pleading with Lacy now, to seemingly no avail, as Lacy simply shakes her head at Alison's persistence. 

"Well there may not even be a party if we don't stop wasting our time with this mind-numbing bullshit. If you haven't already looked at me, i'm not really the type for this sort of thing, Aly."

"So, we'll make you the type. Come on honey, you concentrate too much on training and wrestling, let yourself go once in a while! Have some fun for god's sake!" The two keep walking on through the shopping centre, people walking by them constantly, enveloped in their own.