"There are those who fight for greed, those who fight for honour, who fight for power, who fight for pride. But it is those who fight for nothing, who aim it is to simply create chaos, that are the most dangerous." -  Anonymous. 


Those who fight for chaos....are the most dangerous of all...

*The camera cuts in from darkness to the open space of a training ring, punching bags visible in the background but the main focal point being the two men outside the ring, the camera managing to capture the entire space and the vision of the two men staring directly into the camera screen, both with mirroring looks of arrogance, real smirks that display the confidence and utter cockiness in-built in both men.

This week, everybody sees that.

*Drake leans back on the ring apron and grins, taking in the aura of the training ground as he looks up for a second, before he turns back to the camera, the same smug look on his face as usual, but the glint in his eyes somewhat active, like a volcano on the brink of erupting, but nobody knows when. At any moment it could blow with the force of a thousand explosions, but it isn't the power that is most feared, but rather the timing of such an explosion.

This week, the chaos that has lay dormant for so many months...will be unleashed...

*This is the voice of not Drake, but rather the man behind him, inside the ring, who bends down and looks at the camera through the ropes as he stares into it with a similar expression of intensity, combined with a natural smugness and overwhelming arrogance and cockiness. 

*Drake walks towards the camera and pulls it off of the tripod, staring directly into it as Omega is seen in the outside of the shot to be exiting the ring, presumable to address the camera as well.

So to everybody in there, inside the tiny little lens i'm currently staring into and everywhere in the outside world, let it be known, there is nobody, NOBODY....that can stop us. That can BE us. That can even begin to fathom the thought of embodying the greatness that we personify. There is nobody out therem, who is good enough, strong enough, smart enough, talented enough, capable enough, to take down the Fall.

But i'm sure there are those who are stupid enough to try....

*Drake laughs as the camera tilts and the face of Trent Omega enters the view of the camera, only the side of Drake's hair now visible in the frame.

So, why start with a delcaration that usually occurs at the end of the promo? Why, when we do these things every week, every time somebody else thinks they're stupid enough to take down the Fall - of which the line will be many, i can already see it, are we telling you people how there is nobody that can stop us? 

Well, on one hand there's the fact that we're different. Just like you saw two shows ago, when we destroyed and obliterated the WWO ringside. There is NOBODY like us, i can assure you of that. But also, because the two people we're handling this week embody the fact that there will be those stupid enough to try and stop us, when in reality, not even the strongest ever will. 

Notice what we said there - handling. We are not "fighting" these two men, we're not "facing off against" these two men, and we're certainly not "putting it all on the line" against these two men. We're treating a disease, we're handling a problem,. They're the problem.

*The camers shifts in it's focus, this time to Drake. 

If you have to ask, you ARE the problem. Just like Double Dragon, you are part of the institution that we will bring to it's knees, you are PART of the Fall of the WWO. You are part of the rubble that will be left under our feet when all of this is over, because we are bringing the new dawn of professional wrestling, the new dawn of the WWO, but to do that, we need to cause chaos, anarchy and destruction. 

There you go, our aims. Our goals. We're all about total chaos, total destruction, order is the thing that lead us into the state that the WWO is in now - and that's the problem we are going to fix, by bringing order crumbling down to it's very knees, and by making sure that there are no longer any rules to tie us down, no longer any regulations with which the fat slobs in leather chairs bind us with. We are bringing about an age of pure anarchy, and the first two people to fall victim to the new age...is the tag team champions.

You talk about honour as if it's something to drive you, as if it's something to live by. Something that will protect you. Well, it didn't protect you too well last week did it, Hahn? You know, when we attacked you backstage and left you battered and bruised, just waiting for the help of your son. We could've left you eating from a tube and getting water fed into your system from a machine, we could've made sure that the tired old fart was put out of his bleeding misery but we didn't...

*The camera shifts once again, so that now both upper bodies are shown on screen.

No. Last week was simply...a message.

*The two laugh as they look sideways at each other, their mirroring grins apparent from a mile away.

Two shows ago, the first Wreckage after an absolutelyt momentous WWO PPV where Drake Hunter vanquished the enemy that was the Perfection!

*Drake eccentuates the last few words with grand arm motions, making an act of it.

Had you fooled, didn't we.....

*More laughing between the two, as they both raise fists around their neck area, so as not to intrude into the view of their faces.

These fists, these are going to be the downfall of the WWO, and the downfall of Double Dragon this week. Not literally, obviously, our feet will have a lot to do with it too, but for the most part out brains will do, they're all we need. You obviously figured out Hahn, didn't you? Or did you have your little boy do it for you? Figure out that we played you, we made you angry, we poked the bear so he would walk right into the trap.

You're not smarter than us - hell, nobody is. You're definitely not better than us inside that ring, and i guarantee you that you damn sure don't have the resolve that we do. Because at the end of the day, you're in this match for a couple of shiny bits of metal, and we're in it for an ideal...

*Drake whispers something in Trent's ear, causing his grin to grow impossible bigger. 

Oh, and you probably want to kick our brains out too, that's great incentive boys, but it still won't be enough.

*Drake tilts his head slightly as Omega finishes, the sense of lethal unpredictability returning - like a coiled snake.

How'd it feel....hey Hahn? .......How'd it feel....when i kicked you in the skull?

*The grins returns, the crazy eyes returning with it.

Because i can tell you exactly...how..it...felt. It felt like a train wreck was coming for your head, it felt like you went from clear thoughts to dazy dreams of nothingness in less than a second. It felt like something was exploding inside your head, and for a brief moment there was a flash of incredible pain before it all went dark and there was nothing. I know, because the punt kick is my new speciality. I know, because that kick will be the end of this company, as we will be the end of this company. That kick will be the end of the tag team champions, as we will be newly crowned, and take the first step into dominating this company, and running it into the ground.

But all week, hell, all month, i've been getting the same question. What will happen when the company is run into the ground? What then? Won't your goals be complete? 

*Drake is now staring into the camera with a prophetic stare, as he hands the camera to Omega, and slides into the ring, all the while the camera - now ikn Trent's hands - following him with an eagle eye.

All of this.....all of it....this is ours. No matter what David Dreadful says....we OWN this place. And i don't mean this place literally, we don't even know what this joint's called - it's just a training facility in New York. No, what i mean is, this domain, this kingdom....

*The camera zooms up on Drake's face, perched atop the turnbuckle.

Belongs to us. 

*Drake hops down and Trent slides in, turning the camera so they are both visible once again.

And this week, at Callout, the legend of the Dragon......

Is slain.


Brought to you by THE FALL