"Chaos is rejecting all you have learned, chaos is accepting yourself." - Emile M. Cioran


*The scene cuts into a dark-ish room, the camera picture rough but definitely visible, as if it's being filmed on a handheld camera, but on a stand instead of in somebody's hands. A big circular shape hanging on a chain with markings on the surrounding wood is visible amongst the darkness, and suddenly, as a soundtrack of audible footsteps protrude through the space, lots of echoes bouncing off of the walls.

*The footsteps belong to the feet of two very familiar people, both sharing mirroring grins, full of arrogance and practically oozing cockiness. Drake Hunter and Trent Omega steps out from behind the circular shape, and Drake and Trent turn to face each other, grin at one another before Drake turns and slams a massive kick into the circular shape, the wood snapping. It was a circular ceremional object of some kind, and Drake bends down, picking up one half of the now broken piece of wood as he walks towards the camera slightly, itself now zooming in as Drake's insane grin, coupled with the even MORE insane eyes, stares directly into the lens. 

This...this is just the beginning.

*Drake laughs slightly, grinning as he takes a few steps back and himself and Trent are now standing aside one another, Drake still holding the piece of split wood in his hands. The faded image of a red dragon - or at least half of it - it now visible from the camera. 

This, is a japanese dragon. painted on some kind of japanese ceremonial ornament. It supposedly represents the fight of honour, dedication to oneself and the ability to channel the power of the dragon - Japanese hoodoo obviously, but nonetheless, significant. Because what i just did, was snap this ornament in half, as clean and crisp as i'm going to snap another piece of wood in half this Sunday. 

*Drake grins, and Omega continues on.

When Hahn and Shinji Yommoto, the World Wrestling Organization Tag team champions of the World!!!......get sent sprawling straight through a piece of burning, alight, wood.....it will represent the Fall. The Fall of man. The Fall of a company. The Fall of an era. The Fall.....of....HONOUR. 

These ideals, this belief in honour and respect, people seem to think they can live a healthy life by them, that they can keep their own piece of mind by fighting and acting with honour, respect, dignity, towards life, towards everything they encounter. Well, it might work in this japanese martial arts dojo...

*Trent spreads his arms wide and does a three hundred and sixty degree spin, motioning for the space that they're currently in.

But it doesn't work inside the Fall's kingdom...

*A big pause, Drake fiddling with the broken ornament as he rolls it through his fingers, the fragile wood slipping through his fingers, the glint of the red paint visible by the camera every few seconds. 

The Fall's kingdom...OUR kingdom, the kingdom of the most dominant group to EVER enter the World of professional wrestling, to EVER grace the walls of the World Wrestling Organisation...to TEAR DOWN the walls of the World Wrestling Organisation. 

*Drake takes a step forward, holding the wood up.

That is our kingdom. That is our creed. This week, the Dragon Falls. 

Honour, respect, all broken ideals. Totally broken, and useless, in a world where such things don't mean anything anymore. These things...they're totally unnecessary, a complete waste of time. You can bring honour into a ring, and all you'll get out of it is blood. YOUR blood, the blood of people who think that fighting for foolish and people is better than fighting for oneself, for an objective, for a purpose. 

Honour is a fool's game, respect is something that only fools grant, and only fools deserve, and your creed, Dragon? Your creed is down the drain, or will be, as of this Sunday. 

It's a wonder you even managed to defeat Britton and Dragon for the titles in the first place - even with the interference from...you know...their OWN TEAM. Congratualtions, you beat what has to be THE most dysfunctional unit in the world of wrestling, and now look, Maverick's our deluded general manager - another example of honour failing - and Britton is the World champion, and even though he won't be for much longer - we can make sure of that eventually - he got where he is now because he ignored such idle things as honour, as respect - he did what it takes, WHATEVER it takes, to win, and this week, we'll do the exact same thing. 

The conquering of honour....the abolishment of this need, this desire...to respect the opposition, it will all....Fall....in the end.... You truly believe in this creed, don't you? You believe in honour...in passion...in respect...But Shinji, Hahn? 

*Drake's grin is sadistic, there can be no other word for it. 

....Will you have those beliefs with you when you step into the ring on sunday? Will you show us the same respect and passion you showed Hunter? Huh? Something tells me.........No.

*Drake and Trent laugh as they smirk at one another once again, both still moving around the dark dojo. 

We've got to you, i know it. We've got into your minds, your hearts, we've clouded your vision with the fire of....hatred. You HATE us, don't try to deny it - hell, you probably won't want to deny it Hahn...

Oh by the way, how's that burn going? You know...when i torched you're skull last week...shame that...i was just preparing you for the taste of the flames, the flames that will engulf you and Shinji on Sunday, you'll learn to appreciate the fire, as we do. Maybe you'll even learn to love the fire; i'm not putting much hope on it. All i know, is you will be engulfed by the fire...a fire that burns stronger than you will ever know...

*The sadistic evil in Drake's eyes is growing by the second, and as the camera zooms up on his eyes very slowly, there is somewhat of a fire within them, too, the same fire in his tag team partner's eyes, although those are much less crazy, much less unstable and much less unpredictable - that is to say, no less dangerous however. 

This fire....this fire is the Fall. This fire will never, EVER....be put out. Because to put out a fire you need to douse the flame, and the flame in this case is not sourced by oxygen, no, in this case, the fire is fueled by CORRUPTION....LIES.....DECEIT....and not in the way we deceive, no, this is much...much...more...malevolent.

So if you want to ask US what you think the Fall will do to handle the anger! And Rage! And fury! Of the dragon....we already know. Because we're the ones who lit that fire of rage, just like we're the ones who will spread the fire, spread the Fall, until the entire WWO is engulfed in it's flame!! We'll make sure, that every last inch of this company is torched...because only then will the ashes settle...only then will the phoenix rise...only then will the WWO......Be saved.

That all starts this week. With Shinji. And Hahn. Yommoto. It all starts. With the Tag....Team...Titles. 

Don't misunderstand, we're doing this for gold, we're doing this for the power, glory, and prestige that the gold brings, but we're also doing this FOR the gold, FOR the prestige, to help those who will hold these titles in the future - IF anybody holds them in the future. We are doing this to help the prestige of these titles from being dirty, from becoming as rotten and filled with grime as the company they represent currently is. 

You can think we're mad, we don't care. In the end, we just want to destroy. That's our goal, you need example? Before we came, Matt Reece was the champion. Matt. Reece. The pretender, the phony, the one man who represents just how far this company has sunk into the depths of hell, Eric Thorne was our National champion, after beating me. Yes, he beat me. And i will forever hold that in my mind as a source of retirbution, as a source of igniting a flame, but that's not the point, because the point is...IT ALL STOPS. Now. 

With the Fall, comes justice. With the Fall, comes retribution. With the Fall, comes anarchy, and the only proper way to establish a fundamental and functioning system is when there are NO rules, NO restrictions, and NOTHING to hold people back from doing whatever the fuck they like. THAT'S why we're here. And that, is why the Dragon will Fall on Sunday. 

Shinji, Hahn, you think you're honour can save you. Well it won't. It's that simple. It won't save you, because you can't be saved, by anything. Not by the most divine of interventions, not by the worst of heroes or the best of villains. Nothing. And we mean absolutely....nothing. Can stop the fire from getting to your skin, from your bodies being put through a flaming plank and from you feeling just how badly the fire burns.

Why will you burn? Because you, just like everybody else in this company, are part of the disease. You pander, and your honour panders, to these pathetic people who think they can run a wrestling company with their signs and their cheers. You believe in the wrong things, you're a complete and utter waste of a respresentation of what Wrestling is supposed to be about. It's supposed to be about chaos, it's supposed to be about the war of men inside that ring, battling it out for supremacy. No cheers, no honour, no respect....

*Drake spits the word, looking down for a moment before he slowly raises his head once again, continuing...

That's the way it's supposed to be. And if we want WWO to be resurrected in a state of chaos, in a world of anarchy, you will have to be among it's victims...

Ms. Biguns was laid to waste. Jason Kaine was laid to waste. The list will keep growing...and growing...and growing......starting with the Dragon. 

You can talk all you like about how the Rage drives you, well guess what, we don't need rage to drive us, we have much more clarity in that matter, because we're guided by an ideal, by a mission, by our own code. You wanna know what that code is? Destroy. 

Shinjiro...you want to melt the flesh and bones of us, just like we did to your daddy last week!!! Don't worry, you'll join him in the pool of fire soon enough, but just know that no matter how hard you spur on, no matter how much rage drives you to the ends of the earth to destroy us, there will only be one outcome. You know, in your heart of hearts, as much rage exists in your heart, the Fall aren't the ones who will Fall through those flaming tables. That privilege....is for you...the Dragon. 

Well, after all, you should probably thank us. We finally lit a fire inside you guys...it's too bad we're going to light one on the outside as well!

*Drake laughs at his own joke as he throws the splintered wood away. 

That, that thing i kicked at the start of our little session, that will represent you going through an even hotter piece of wood, flling to the depths of your careers, with no way back into the limelight, into the gold. But know, in your hearts of hearts, that it will all be for something in the end, know that we'll give your titles the treatment they deserve, and when the new world of the WWO is ushered in, and you no longer exist in it's walls, you can watch on as these titles actually MEAN something again, and aren't poisoned with the toxicity of honour, respect, and loyalty.