"The Greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse" - Edmund Burke


And so we begin..

*The camera cuts into a lighter space than last week, with people going past behind the camera. It zooms out a bit and the seat of a car - what is obviously a nice car - is visible.Once again it is still focused on one man's face, and the title being held on his shoulder. The car is stationary, the Drake Hunter is leaning back in the driver's seat as he looks into the camera, one hand obviously holding the camera and another resting on the gold plate on his World Heavyweight title.

We begin and end with the same thing, the same object, the same possession. That's this shiny piece of metal on my shoulder right now. Everything is focused on this little piece of metal that means everything in this business, because this is power. This is perfection. This, is the reason we exist.

If you're not planning to go for this shiny piece of gold, you don't belong in this business, you have no right to be here. Every single thing we do is about this bit of metal that sits just perfectly on my shoulder. Everything we do has to do with this, and the power it gives. Power, power, power, that's what life's about isn't it? Everybody reaching and grabbing for the highest seat in power they can get, climbing over other people to get there top spot. 

I used to think exactly like that, i was - and still am - a firm believer in doing whatever it takes to get to the seat of power, because it is only when you're there that you can truly enjoy life, that you can truly be the best. I used to believe that winning was everything, and nothing should get in the way of this shiny title belt. 

*Drake holds up the World title in the light, looking at it for a moment before he drapes it around his chest, looking down as if thinking about something.

Perfect, isn't it? Just perfect, this whole setting. The greatest wrestler in the world, inside the greatest car in the world, holding the greatest title in the world. It fits absolutely perfectly. Don't get me wrong, this is still, and always will be, the one thing i cherish the most. This spot that i'm in right now, this situation, this position. 

And it's fitting that being in such a position allows me to usher in change, because change is what this company needs. Before you get snarky, i don't mean changing of the titles, because that is a) not going to happen, and b) would be completely counter-productive to the change we're trying to bring about.

No, this is changing of the people in power, the people making the decisions and the people who are formally running the show. 

Now, everybody knows that the Age of Arrogance are the ones dominating MPW. We run the place, like nobody has ever seen before, and you all believe in arrogance, and if you haven't already, then you better start before arrogance comes and finds you. But i mean the people who call the shots around here. I'm talking about the board of directors, i'm talking about the people hiring talent, i'm talking about the people making the decisions. 

So, Miss Tavares, shall we start with you then?

It's simple, you want to conquer us. There's no ifs or buts about it. And if i was in your position, i would want to stop us too. We are, after all, the most dominating and physically incredible force that this company, and business, has ever seen, and will continue to be so, no matter how you try and break us apart. 

Laura, can i call you Laura? I think we've gotten to first name basis yet, even if you haven't blown me off like the rest of the roster. Hell, i heard you even blew off Kandi Washington in the three seconds she was in the bloody company. 

Ooh, shit, that name's tabooed isn't it? I'm not allowed to say it for copyright reasons? And i'm not allowed to mention that filthy motherfucker Aiden Caine who single-handedly managed to ruin my ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend at the same time - at least for a short period of time. 

And i'm definitely not allowed to say the name Stytch....

*Drake looks up in mocking fear, as if something's coming to get him.

Oh no, i can hear the bombers being sent out now, the headlines in the papers and on the internet: "Man gets head blown off for saying the name of local notorious cocksucking dicknozzle." Well, maybe that headline isn't entirely accurate, but you get my drift. The people in power, didn't like something, so they put a taboo on it. They restricted everybody's freedome because of something bad that happened to them. 

Well boo fucking hoo.

You think you can control us? Better, you think you can control ME? No, no you see, you've got it all wrong there. I'm the one who does all the controlling, you're the ones who be controlled, it's as simple as that. Nothing you do, or say, will ever get my mind changed, and you know why?

*Drake looks expectantly at the camera for a few seconds before he leans back again, with that crazed look in his eyes. His voice is escalating to near-crazy levels, like usual, and he manages to put an enforcement on some words, to get his point across even further. Even from just hearing him talk, any viewer is able to pick up that this man is definitely unstable, but doesn't care about it.

No, no it's not because of this...

*He points to the title on his shoulder.

It's because of this...

*He points to his head, making reference to his brain as he continues to talk.

You see, the thoughts that run through my brain aren't what you call, sane. Up here is not a fun place to be at times, but what am i going to do? Run away? I can't run away from myself, and i'm having too much fun inside my head that i don't want to. 

No, no you see these thoughts are what make me so dangerous, so unstable, inside and outside of that ring and i wouldn't want to take that away, i wouldn't want to take away the thing that gives me identity, something most people yearn for nowadays. No, the reason my mind is so important is purely because it makes me dangerous, you can't tell me what to do any more than you can tell a crocodile to spell 'ridiculous', any more than you can tell a paintball mask wearing lunatic to not harass your girlfriend, any more than you can tell a green masked fool not to be a self-obsessed knob. 

You just can't do it. 

But of course, that doesn't stop people from trying, does it? That doesn't stop you from throwing everything you can at me, throwing every single obstacle in my way to dethrone me from my seat of glorious power. It doesn't stop you from trying to tell me what to do, from trying to give me orders and trying to tell me, hell BEG me to stop turning MPW into my own personal playground.

Well it's too late, i've already turned it into my personal playground, and i'll be damned if anybody else is going to take my playground away from me...

Don't you get it, you've lost your company!! It's no longer yours! This company belongs to arrogance, and it always will. There is nothing you can do to stop a revolutionary idea. Even at it's most basic level the idea of justice and freedom will always overcome the oppressors. Always.

Now, we're just a vessel, a vessel for this idea, this creed that we've taken in order to stop people like you from making this place hell. Because that's our job. To make it your hell. And our playground, just like it is right now. 

But of course, you'd never stop trying, because even when you're faced with your company lying in ruins, and you know you're the one responsible you always try and figure out ways to stop justice from taking it's course, you always try and find ways to parry the sword of justice and stop it from cutting straight through you, don't you. You'll never give in, you'll never be the one to admit defeat because you know that if you do there is no turning back, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. 

All there is, is the consequence for your actions, the actions that brought us together and the actions that saw us conquer this company. 

No, you'll never stop will you, you'll never give in because where's the fun in that? What's the point of simply giving in to the forces of "evil" as you so plainly put it. But there is no evil when it comes to arrogance. Sure our ways may be seen as "despicable" by you ignorant fools but the reality is we're saying it from you drones. We're the heroes of this story, if you want to call it that. But at the same time, we're also the villains...

And what's a villain without the plan to stop him? And boy, have you thought up a beauty this week. First it was actual real-life superheroes, then it was somebody with an ego that could match even mine - which is no easy feat mind you - and then it was somebody with the last name Soulsfate, that can only remind me of odd sci-fi television shows, where the aliens invade planet Earth, and the leader's name is Soulsfate, after they eat the brains out of-

*Drake stops himself as he realizes he's going on a tangent.

Anyway! I digress. 

So, this week you think you can conquer us by the good ol' fashion divide and conquer technique right? You believe that somehow by putting the members of the Age of Arrogance up against one another you're going to somehow fix all of this? You think that by making sure the title stays with us, you're actually going to break us apart and the loser is going to magically side with you because we finally see the light and the error of our ways, and the MPW universe is going to be saved and the fans will still be able to choose the number one contenders and unicorns will start dancing through the air and pixies will start flying and-

Sorry, i did it again, getting carried away.

Well here's a newsflash for you, probably one you didn't see coming in your one-track-minded, narrow views. 

It ain't going to work.

I repeat, this little scheme of yours to turn us against one another, isn't going to work. You know why? Because this ideal, this bond between us, isn't going to be broken by a single slam, or a single right hand. This isn't something easily broken between the two of us, and the only thing that's going to happen is that we walk out of the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina with the World Heavyweight championship, and we are going to solidify our bond together and continue to dominate this place. 

But you people want more than that, you always want more, so before i continue to rave and rant about power and control and how our general manager is nothing more than a power-hungry slutbag, i'll talk about the woman that i'm currently living with. The Goddess.


Funly enough, she's also the woman i'm going to step into the ring with at the upcoming Millennium Pro Wrestling PPV, Ruthless Assault, which is a tiny bit ironic isn't it? Considering how Miss Tavares wants us to be exactly that, Ruthless, completely forget everything we've worked for as we separate, completely dedicated to fighting over these shiny pieces of metal. 

I've heard of stupid, but you're taking it to another level Laura. 

I mean seriously, come on! I could've thought of a better tactic in my sleep! Surely you're not THAT desperate - wait, you are, aren't you? You're that desperate, because every single other thing you've thrown at us has failed, with a capital F. Sure, you might think Roxi Johnson won the Sin City championship and that's a win for you, but then have a look at everything we've done to her over the past couple of weeks. Sometimes the impact isn't made when the bell rings, and that's a concept few people seem to grasp. 

But in my sick, twisted, convoluded mind i can be as ruthless as you like, i can match ruthlessness with the best of them, hell even the current X-Core champion and one of the members of the greatest faction to ever step inside that ring is on the PPV picture itself, advertised as ruthless. And i can be just as ruthless as Mr. KIllswitch, i can assure you.

Still, the fact remains, you've put me up against my girlfriend to step inside that ring in what is clearly a tactic of divide and conquer. Really. Really. You're seriously that dumb.

You don't seem to understand the fact that some people share a bond greater than that ring, maybe you don't understand that deep down there are things called relationships, or has your time with Mr. Clash completely gotten rid of that word from your vocabulary? I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship with him, that's for sure, and being married? Ugh, better you than me. 

But that doesn't change the fact that my girlfriend is not you, Laura. Bliss is not a simple whore trying to find the best blowjob in the company, she actually does things inside that ring, and even outside it. She's a former Sin City champion, twice, she's a superstar of the month and she's in the main event of one of the biggest PPV's of the year. 

She hasn't just been thrust into a position of power by some people who want to save their own hides and don't care that their company is disintegrating before them. They want to keep their power, so they're obviously going to hire somebody dumb, idiotic, and good-looking to maintain the face of the company, the image. After all, the image is what counts, right? 

Of course you would think that, because that's all your obsessed with Laura. You're completely focused on how you and the company you're controlling looks, and we're bad for that image aren't we? No matter how good the ratings are and exactly how many viewers we're able to drum in - all wanting to see the charisma, talent and good looks of yours truly, not to mention the greatest ass of all time on Bliss - all that matters in the end is the money, and the power. 

The money wafting into your purse, the money drifting into the pockets of the corporates, the money that always manages to find it's way into every single hole that the suits can find, until there's no more space to put it. And then you spend it on something unnecessary, like AJ Stark, and you start again. 

It. Must. Stop.

Everything we're trying to achieve, everything we're working towards is completely in spite of you, the fans, our slutbag of a general manager, and every single person - or in Bliss's words: drone - that contributes to the plague currently seizing MPW. This week, we continue the cure, we continue to dominate and we continue to rule this company like never before. 

This week, we walk out with the World Heavyweight championship, one way or another. 

I don't care if you send out that mask wearing freak and he continuously throws black and white chess pieces at me from his endless supply of geeky objects, in the end there is nothign that he, or anybody else can do to stop me from retaining this championship. 

And when i say anybody, i mean anybody. Even you darling.

Yes, i get to step into the ring, again, with the sexiest woman on this goddamned planet. And i get to watch with pleasure as she straddles the ropes and shakes her ass and blows a kiss to camera (and me), all knowing that in a matters of seconds the pleasantries will be over and the real action will start. And then, then you'll see exactly how much of a bond we've formed, and everybody will see that not even the greatest challenger to this World championship - the woman that will step inside the ring with me this thursday - is able to take this belt off of me. 

I am the World champion for a reason and i'll be damned if anybody is going to change that. I don't care you who are, you could be the fucking incarnate of Jesus Christ, with wings and muscles bigger than my car and fingers that could snap the teeth off a crocodile, i will find a way to beat you. Because it's what i've always done, it's what i always do, and it's what i will continue to always do. 


But of course, just like Bliss said, i can't just sit here and point out every fault, talk some shit about the woman that i-

*Drake stops himself for a second, as if about to say something he shouldn't. He looks around for a second, taking in the scenery, and he smirks again. The camera spins around and is able to obtain a view of multiple people in the background, all going about their normal business as the man in the car, parked on the side of the road with people walking by talks to the camera in front of him.

The woman that i'm currently sleeping with, sharing a house with, and having a relationship with.

You know, prior to Roxi's misguided belief, completely overcome with the jealousy that comes in the territory for a guy like me, i am not completely cold and heartless. I look out for my family, i look out for the people that mean the most to me, and no matter how many times you put us in the ring, the top person on that list is always going to be the Goddess. 

I'll be sure to focus all my time on you another day sweetheart, definitely in the coming days you can be looking for my words to pop up on the MPW website - The World champ speaks! But i'm sure the drones won't mind listening to me rant and rave about our sex life for a little bit- shit, actually i probably shouldn't do that.

*Drake scratches his short beard jokingly, then looks back the camera suddenly with very fierce eyes.

Because i'm sure they'll go to bed tonight thinking about it as well. After all, the ladies love me, and the men love her. Isn't that right? The Goddess and the Punk, not two adjectives that would usually belong in the same sentence, but then i guess there are special cases aren't there? The two most beautiful and sexy people to ever grace this Earth, not to mention talented, and when we step into that ring, none of that is going to change. 

I taught you arrogance, i brought you over to the side of justice, just like i said i would and i can guarantee that when we step into that ring on thursday, no matter what, we will remain strong. 

I used to believe that titles meant the world in this business, like i said, if you weren't solely focused on obtaining this shiny piece of metal, you didn't belong. I used to think that way. Before i met a girl, i won't say the name because my mind is already racing fast enough, and i don't want it to go into overload. She was one of the few girls who managed to steal the heart of the Punk. Don't get me wrong, a lot of chicks have stolen the dick, but the heart, now there's a hard shell to crack into - no pun intended. 

*Drake grins at the camera at his own perverted joke.

For one reason or another, i found myself loving this girl more than i loved the sport i'd grew up in, more than i'd loved the people who i grew up with - which admittedly is not that much. More than i even loved having that shiny piece of gold around my waist and getting my hand raised high in the air as my opponent stands beneath my feet. 

Now, i'm sorry to get all sappy on your asses - once again no pun intended - but now, that piece of mind has stuck with me. Sometimes your mind changes, it's a funny thing the human brain, believe me. 

All i know is that win or lose this thursday night, arrogance lives on. We still believe in arrogance, like the rest of these people should by now, if you don't then you better get onto it quick before it comes back to bite you in the ass. Not literally of course, we're not animals like the True Wrestling Idiots.

And win or lose this thursday night, we remain strong, we stand united as one against the people who tried to pry us apart. Still, i guess it wouldn't be a promo without at least some talk about the match i'm actually involved in, so here goes nothing....

Bliss. I could easily stand here, just like you said, and throw petty insults your way and make this match as personal as possible, and then start talking about your gorgeous good looks and that ass and everything that makes you incredible...

Actually, that may not be the greatest match talk, would it? No, rather i'm going to tell it to you straight. This thursday, we're going to step inside that ring, go face to face and i'm going to give it all, i can guarantee that. There is nothing that will stop me from retaining my World Heavyweight championship, not even you. 

You were right about one thing - actually you were right about many things - but one thing in particular when you started your promo. You talked about how we both want this title, how we've both coveted this piece of metal for a long time now and how we both want this shot more than anything else in the company. The only difference is the circumstances. You're title shot was hindered by the bitch that set this match up, when she attacked you just as you were about to get your title shot at Trey. 

The difference is, i didn't let anybody step on me, i made sure that i wasn't hindered when i went for that World Heavyweight championship and i made sure that my focus was purely on Ash Soulsfate and this title that was placed on his shoulder, soon to be removed by me. I was completely focused on that match, after i defeated twenty-nine other people in the one match, ironically coming off a loss to you in our Sin City title bout.

I stepped into that ring, in front of the biggest crowd MPW has ever had, and i told them to go fuck themselves. I stepped into that ring and i did it for me, and only me. I looked into Ash's eyes and i knew that i was the better man - and even i'm admitting that the margin between us couldn't be measured by the smaller unit of measurement in history. There was so, so little between us, but in the end, i won. I did it. I won this championship.

And nobody is going to take that away from me. Not even you.

I know you want this title babe, i know you're willing to do anything to achieve it inside that ring, and you're passion and ability is enough to almost match mine. But nothing, nothing you do inside that ring will match me, no matter how much passion and drive you have, mine will always be better.

Why? Because mine is the greatest in the world. Just like I am the greatest wrestler in the world.

And no matter who gets inside that ring with me, nothing will change that, and nothing will change this. 

*Drake holds up the MPW World Heavyweight championship.

But don't hold your breath Kahlan, i'll be sure to discuss more about our mad lust for each other in the very very near future, but until then MPW Drone-i-verse, adios.

*Drake reaches forward and presses the button on the camera as it cuts out.


"Drake, i'm not lying down and letting you pin me!" Her eyes are as fierce as ever before, in fact i don't remember her being this fierce. We'd never had a fight like this before, with us standing almost nose to nose, not backing down an inch, as if we were in the ring. This was one of the times when the Alex and Kahlan and the Drake and Bliss merged together as one, to make things very personal.

"Come on babe, you know that you're a part of this thing now, we all have to make sacrifices. We need this World championship, and we need it around the waist of the man who started all of this. That's me." I say, crossing my arms and not backing down, although i'm aware she's not going to back down either.

"You can't be serious! I thought we were all about stopping the bullshit inside that ring!"

"Kahlan, you need to listen to reason-" She cuts me off as i try to maintain my cool. We both know what happens when we get angry, and i was starting to regret spending so much time trying to get her to release it, overcome it, let it all flow through her as i had done. 

"Reason my ass, you're just being a dick." 

"We need to set an example! We need to show those assholes up in corporate exactly how much this tactic won't work, how we'll stay unified as one despite all of the stupid tactics they're trying to employ. The only way to do that is for you to lie down and let me retain the title."

"You're insane! You know i can't do that Drake, you of all people know that i should be the World champion right now, if it wasn't for Laura."

"You can't seriously stand there and say you should be in my position right now. We both now i deserve this more than anybody in this company!" I can hear my own voice starting to raise as the consequence of our first real fight as boyfriend and girlfriend, but i can't stop myself. I'm starting to get frustrated, and soon it would be more than frustrated, more than restless.

"Watch me! I don't know what you had up your sleeve for the Sin City title but we still need to settle this. Just because we're stablemates, and we're together, doesn't mean i have to bend to your will and just let you pin me!"

Drake, you can't lose this...

Oh no. Not this again. I thought i'd dealt with you before, you haven't been here for months, i'd absorbed you, you shouldn't be here...

I'm always here. Always have been. Until now you've been doing things perfectly, everything's fallen into place. You've been listening to me without me even having to say a word, but now, you risk losing the thing you've been working so hard for to this woman.

I close my eyes, partly because of Bliss in front of me, looking more and more impatient, but also partly because of what's going on inside my head.

"Drake!" I'm suddenly snapped back into reality, and my mind finally snaps, no longer able to remain calm and reserved.

"I am the only person who can hold that title! Don't you fucking understand! You can't hold it as long as we exist, what the fuck is that going to say about us huh? I'm the leader of this goddamned faction and i'm the only person in this goddamned world fit to hold the bloody title!" My voice is getting out of control, but so are the ones in my head.

Good, let it all go. She needs to know her place.

"In this business, the business we're trying to fix, the one thing that matters as much as us is this shiny piece of gold." I pick up the title off of the table and practically shove it in her face. "This HAS to stay with me, can't you see that!" She's getting exceptionally agitated, and i can see the tension spiralling out of control. This is exactly what i didn't want to happen, and here we are, fighting over something completely material, something that doesn't matter right now.

"You're being a complete self-obsessed moron! What the fuck! I thought you were all for not letting this get between us..."

"Don't put this back on me, you're the one who's backing out on us."

"Us!! I'm not backing out on anything!! I still believe in everything we fight for! Who else is going to stop these drones? But you're just being a douche about this! Why aren't you telling your buddy Cable to lie down for Kuk huh?"

"Because Chris worked his way to his shot at the X-Core title-"

"Are you saying you don't think i worked to deserve this title! I've worked harder than anybody else for this shot and you know it. You telling me to just lie down and give up my opportunity for this title is complete bullshit, and you know that too."

Don't let her get to you Drake, you need this title for the revolution to continue...

"The only way for this revolution to come full circle is for me to retain the World title, and for me to lead this revolution into change."

The anger is completely evident in both of our faces, i can tell we're both on the very edge of releasing all of the past demons that have plagued our lives for so long. It was remarkable that two people with such tattered pasts would fall for one another, but maybe that was what allured me to her.

"Well fuck you! You're an asshole and i love you..."

I respond without hesitation.

"No, fuck you, and i'm the one who loves you..."

She suddenly growls in frustration and storms out the door, obviously not able to take any more of the argument. She doesn't stop until she's on her bike and she zooms out of the driveway, and it's only after a minute of settling down that i realize exactly what just happened. 

I said it. 

I actually said that word....

As quickly as humanly possible, i pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock it, ready to call the woman i loved. Before i can however, the phone starts vibrating and the sexy picture of my girlfriend pops up on the screen. I press the answer button without a moment of hesitation and i hear her voice on the phone, much calmer than what it was a minute ago.

"Um..." She says, with a moment's pause. I can hear cars tooting behind her - she must've stopped in the middle of the road as it all set in. "Did we just say we loved each other in a fight?"

I pause as i think about it for a second...

"Um, yeah i think we did."

"Not the romantic touch i was hoping for. Well, did you mean it?" She asks, with a more restrained voice than usual.

"Of course i did Kahlan. I just..." I pause for a second. "I can't believe that i just admitted it to myself, but i love you Kahlan Fischer. More than anybody else, ever." I'm not planning these things, for the first time i don't actually know what i'm saying.

"I love you too Alex..." It's not on the phone that she says those words, and i turn around and immediately have the most beautiful pair of lips i've ever seen pressed against mine. I'm startled for a second, before i just meld into the kiss, not even caring that she used the name i hated more than anything in the world. 

"I love you..." I say, pulling away from the kiss and looking into her eyes.

"I love you too..." She says, pulling me through the living room and into the bedroom, all thoughts about this thursday completely eradicated from my mind as i simply take in the sexy figure before me.


"Come on dweeb, i haven't got much time..." I mutter to myself, waiting for the idiot to arrive. The halls of the Time Warner Cable arena are bustling with excitement, the day before an MPW PPV is always the busiest in our world, and it's surprising somebody as moronic as Tim Bowers, who's always one to get the scoop ahead of another reporter, would be late for an interview with the World Heavyweight champion.

Just remember Drake, don't let personal feelings get in the way. The only thing that matters is the World title currently wrapped around your shoulder

I used to think that, hell, even yesterday, before our little....encounter. Fuck it, it was a fight, there was no hiding from that fact. There was also no hiding from the fact that the sex that followed it was the best i've ever had. 

Fuck the voice inside my head, i knew that i loved that woman, and nothing will change that. And still, the mentality inside my head knew that i had to go inside the ring at Ruthless Assault, the ring i was sitting in right now, with the mentality of winning. I knew that i had to defeat the woman i loved to retain this World title and make sure that it stayed with the leader of the AoA. 

I had to go into Ruthless Assault exactly that - ruthless. Willing to put it all on the line against the Goddess, and for half an hour or so, make sure that i retain my World Heavyweight championship, no matter the cost. 

But they wouldn't tear us apart, that's for sure. Nothing anybody could do will break the bond we have created, between all five of us. We are Arrogance, and we would make sure every single person out there believed in arrogance by the time we were finished.

"Finally, took you fucking long enough." I say, getting to my feet as MPW reporter Tim Bowers slides into the ring, dusting his suit off as he raises the microphone to his mouth and the cameraman presses record on the camera draped over his shoulder.

"Ladies and gentlemen." Seems like he doesn't waste time with any apologies for his lateness. Insignificant little dweeb. "I'm here with none other than the MPW World Heavyweight champion, "Punk" Drake Hunter. Well, i say World champion, but that has a high possibility of changing this thursday when he steps into the ring with his girlfriend and fellow Age of Arrogance member, "The Goddess" Bliss."

Ugh, i can see this bloke's gonna annoy me. Stay calm Drake, just stay calm. Think of Kahlan in lingerie...

Yeah, that'll work.

"So, Drake-"

"It's Mr. Hunter to you, dweeb." I say, showing my evident frustration.

"Um, okay. So, Mr. Hunter, tomorrow will be your first defence of your recently acquired World Heavyweight championship, and it will be against none other than your girlfriend and fellow Age of Arrogance member, Bliss."

Yeah, thanks for summing up the obvious.

"So, what are your thoughts going into this match? Surely you must be feeling uneasy before you step into that ring with somebody you care about."

"I knew you'd ask that, just like i knew that these people up in corporate were desperate. "But this desperate? Come on, i've seen ridiculous before but this takes the cake. You're putting me up againt my girlfriend, the woman i inducted into the Age of Arrogance at Road to Glory, when i succeeded in doing exactly what i told everybody i would do. Win this World Heavyweight championship."

I raise the title and show it to the camera.

"I told everybody i'd defeat twenty-nine other people, including my girlfriend mind you, and win the Army of One rumble. Then, i told you i'd defeat Ash Soulsfate, and despite the interference of some retarded mask wearing moron who thinks he can interfere with the life of the Technical Messiah of professional wrestling, i won this title."

"Now, the people who control all of the goings on in MPW seem to think that by putting me up against the person i'm currently sharing residence with, and the woman i have fallen in love with."

Bowers looks shocked at my words, but i simply ignore him and continue.

"Let me ask you something Laura, hell, even you can answer this question dweeb." I pause for a moment. "How stupid can you be? How ignorant can one human being possibly be, let alone an entire group of them?"

"Because this week i step into the ring with a woman who wants this title as much as me, who's worked just as hard as me and who's going to bring it just like me. But that's exactly it, she wants it; as much as me. Not more than me. Because nobody wants it more than me, not even the woman i share a bed with. I am destined to lead this revolution and bring about change in this company like never seen before, and i can absolutely guarantee to you i am going to hold onto this championship for a very long time.

"Okay, well Drake, seeing as Bliss defeated you in the last title match you had, i'd say she's got the advantage going into this match, don't you think?"

"Hmph, you're just like Trey Baxter, aren't you? Completely obsessed with past accomplishments that don't matter. That's not to say what Bliss did in defeating me wasn't an accomplishment in itself, beating me at any time is more than just a simple victory in itself, but for one of the premier titles in MPW? That was a big win, but not the biggest. No, the biggest happened at Road to Glory, the PPV that i innovated, that i made famous, all because of my incredible victory."

"You were right about many things Bliss, i'm certainly an asshole and i'm certainly a dickhead, but one thing you were definitely right about is the fact that we're unconquerable. The Age of Arrogance is in control, and it will always stay that way. But you know else won't change? The person who holds this title. Sorry babe, but it ain't going anywhere..."

"Bliss mentioned keeping your professional life and your personal life separate, do you feel the same way?"

"Absolutely, our two different lives are exactly that - different. Although, in the ring and at home we're both united, we're equal outside of that ring, because outside of it we're just Drake and Kahlan, not the Goddess and the Punk, fighting over a title. We've discussed it at length..."

I grin as i recall the "discussion" we had after our fight. It was a discussion without the talking, but at least we both understood each other by the end of it.

"When we step inside that ring though, all of those personal differences go out the door. There is no longer our personal life, there is only us inside that ring, looking down at a title we both crave and we both want so badly, but one thing that the people who set this match up don't seem to understand, is that there's also the Age of Arrogance, there's also the ideal of the revolution we're enforcing in this company, the change we're bringing about."

"You people think that this is just another petty stable, you think that we are simply here because we want power, and i realize that power is a key facet in every single human being out there, but in reality, we're about so much more than power."


"Shut the fuck up when i'm speaking." I say, snapping at him. He's visibly angry, but he knows better than to go against what i say, especially as he sees me in this state, much more crazed and maniacal than usual. Much more dangerous...

"The people, the people who watch us think they can just cheer us away, buy as much merchandise as possible so that they're favourite little superstars can make us go away. Well guess what, this thursday, in Charlotte North Carolina, you're dreams are going to be squashed just like they were squashed at Road to Glory, when i ended the reign of Ash Soulsfate and the reign of arrogance truly began."

"Your dreams are going to be broken when you realize Laura's little scheme hasn't worked, and we are as united as ever. When we step inside that ring, Bliss and I, we will prove to the entire world that there is no stopping the two greatest wrestlers in this company - hell, in the world."

"You're right Bliss, you're not a nice person, and neither am I. Perhaps its why we work so well together, perhaps you're right and it's what drew me to you, but you have me to thank for making you see the light, for making it all better. That being said, i will also be the one responsible for knocking you back when you challenge me for this World title."

"Because no matter how much you want it to, the student is not going to surpass the teacher. I haven't even began to teach you all my magic tricks yet, and i can tell you that there's quite a few things you won't have ever seen me do i'll pull out tomorrow, because it's what i do, i pull things out that nobody is expecting. This week will be no different."

"This week, the AoA gets put up against each other, and the AoA walks out together, period. No doubts whatsoever."

It looks as if Bowers wants to ask me another question, but i simply wave my hand at him, as if to dismiss him, and then slide out of the ring, looking around at the space where i will perform my first ever Millennium Pro Wrestling World title defense against the woman i love.