"Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world" - R.D. Laing

I'd like to welcome you all to the new era, although there are some of you who probably won't be around to see it...

There are times in the coming age where you will think to yourselves that i am not who i say i am. That i am indeed a liar, a disgrace, an asshole. But fear not, people of the wrestling world; You need not doubt me. I may be branded as slightly - fuck slightly - incredibly insane, but the fact of the matter is, there is no such thing as the truth - you simply pick the lie you like best, and stick with it. 

That is a quote from none other than yours truly, and it's a quote i rather like, all because it symbolizes all the chaos and forebodings in this world. It represents everything that humanity struggles through, all the plan abuses of power, all the direct and indirect causes of violence and abuse that people are put through each day. 

Because people fight everyday looking for something that doesn't even exist. If we let the truth go, if we finally set ourselves free from this quest to seek something that doesn't even exist in today's world, we will all finally find happiness. Because there is only one thing that rules in this world - chaos. And where does chaos come about from? That's right, chaos is the evolution of lying.

Every day the average person will tell over a dozen lies. That's a fact from a university in America. Except that fact is wrong, because everything is lies. What we see as the truth, is simply a lie that is liked best, and is stuck with. The lie that people liked about me is that i'm insane. I beg to differ. 

I'm not the one who's insane. I'm far from it, to tell you the truth. The only reason i'm labelled as insane is because of my actions. Everything i say and do means that a person is labelled, stereotyped, branded. And once that happens, there is no escape from it. Once more, people stick to what they like best, and interpret actions and words - especially words - as truth. But let me tell you something, words are the world's greatest lie. 

Words are nature invention of giving humanity a fail-safe, a means of being able to do something that no other being in the world is able to do; escape a situation with communication. 

There is no other animal, insect or creature living on the face of this earth that is able to stop conflict by moving their mouth. There is no other creature on this earth who is also able to bring about so much conflict by moving their mouth. No other creature is able to lie as humanity is able to, all because of one gift given by nature. The gift of speech. 

Now don't get me wrong, speech is a wonderful thing. It enabled us to communicate with other, tell them exactly what lies we would like them to hear, to believe. Speech is the very thing humanity is based on - take it away and what are we left with? We're left with four billion apes further along the evolutionary chain than the gorilla - In other words, we get people like Rage or Aiden Caine. 

However, speech is the very thing i am trying to save people from. The lies that come from speech, the chaos that comes from speech, those are all wonderful things. However, it is the false accusations, the trickery, the deceit, the loathing, the gossip, the attacks, the arguments, the bitching, the flattery, the seduction, the endless stream of nonsense that people call religion - these are the things that need to be freed from this world. And there is only one way to save the people from their own downfall - action. 

I'll be the first one to admit that i use speech quite regularly, in fact i'm rather good at it. Just as i am talking to you now, words are guiding your thoughts, guiding my thoughts. It is however, the actions i will take that will show the people exactly what i am about, exactly what my cause is, and exactly why i am not insane. 

Because i'm not the one who's insane. No, the world is insane, and i am simply trying to make an adjustment of clarity to such a fucked up world. One action at a time. 

And herein lies my point. People have labelled me the word "insane" because of speech, because of what i do and say. People use words to label me as insane, when really, they are only further proving my point. I am not insane, this world is insane, and I am trying to bring about salvation for all, where people are freed from the world's greatest lie: Truth. 

Of course, there are those who try and stop salvation, just as those who tried to stop Jesus in one of the greatest lies the world has ever seen - Christianity, and just like there were those who attempted to stop Emperor Constantine from uniting two of the greatest cities in the world. Saviours are always going to have obstacles, it's our job to overstep them. 

Those obstacles could include people such as Trey Baxter, Aiden Caine, Bliss, Electra Stevens - even saying the name brings a foul taste to my mouth - or even the man whose number i seem to have at the moment - Apostle Kried himself. 

Apostle just doesn't seem to have an answer to me does he? Poor little Bavarian, outnumbered, majorly outclassed, and outgunned. Because every corner he turns he's going to be looking out for me. Every time he walks down that ramp he's going to be looking behind his back to make sure i'm not there with a steel chair ready to smack him over the head. 

And the thing is, i will be. I'll be on him when he least expects it, because i am going to do whatever it takes to make sure that this message, the message of the Age Of Arrogance is spread, and that our first victim, Apostle himself, is made an example of. I've got nothing against you Mr. Kried. I hate Germany sure, but against you, i've got no personal vendetta. 

What i do have a vendetta against is everything that it wrong in this world of professional wrestling, and it's the job of the Age Of Arrogance to put a stop to all this deception, all this malicious intent and destruction of others through unpleasant means. Its our job to stop this leeching that occurs when the fans stick to you, and it's our job to provide the duty of creating chaos and anarchy in MPW, because with chaos and anarchy, comes true order. 

Apostle symbolizes everything that's wrong in this wrestling world. Everything that's wrong with the way wrestlers go to the fans for support, everything that's wrong with trying to live by honour and justice, because it's all bullshit, and it's time to make an example out of you Apostle, and show to the world exactly what we mean by Age. Of. Arrogance.

Another of these obstacles is the man i will be facing this week, for the first time ever. The World champion himself, Mr. Trey Baxter. Now, i know there will be a lot of you out there who are rooting for Trey to win this match, who believe that he's the "greatest champion that ever lived" and believe he's the "Best in the world".

Well, ladies and gentlemen, i'm sorry to rain on your parade, but his title reign is nearing it's end. He is NOT the "Best in the World". He is NOT, the Best wrestler in Millennium Punk Wrestling. That title, is reserved for me, as is that championship belt that he carries with him. He may have beaten the likes of Johnny Clash, Apostle Kried, even that bastard Jackson Blaze. But he has never faced me. In fact, the only person that's really ever faced the real me in this company is TJ Pain, and we all saw how that turned out. 

This week i am going to do what i did to TJ Pain last week, even through the interference of Apostle Kried. And then i'm going to make the world know exactly how serious we are. I am going to make an example out of Trey Baxter, just like i made and example out of TJ Pain and Apostle Kried. Everything that is going to transpire over the coming weeks is going to be for the better of Millennium Punk Wrestling. 

Chaos and Anarchy will reign, starting with this week, when i show the world why Trey Baxter's title reign has gone on for far too long. This week, i am going to show the world that I am the next World champion of MPW, and then the world will finally open their eyes to why this world needs saving. 

There will be no more need for deception, greed, trickery, because when chaos and anarchy reign, there will only be fighting, dissension, complete and total destruction. And isn't that what we all want deep down?

The human condition is one of destruction and chaos We were always meant to revolt, we were always meant to stage wars. However many hippies there are, the plain fact of the matter is that it is in humanity's nature to destroy. Whether it be others of our own kind, or the very things we ourselves have created, there will be no stopping destruction in this world. 

As our world goes into disarray, so too will the professional wrestling world. I am trying to save MPW from a fate that it is not destined to go along. I am trying to make MPW just like humanity - chaotic, destructive, complete and total anarchy. 

I am the Technical Messiah of professional wrestling. I am the Punk. 


I have never seen the need for truth. 

Truth, in our world, is nothing but the greatest lie of all. Truth is the one thing we are all most dependent on, and then it comes back to bite us all in the ass, and it's then that we realize the truth is something that is incapable of being depended on. It is incapable of serving it's purpose. Because in the end, the truth is just another glorified lie. 

That is why i am trying to eradicate the truth. Because when we no longer believe in such obscenities, we will finally be able to live our lives in happiness, believing what we want to believe, and going along our own paths. 

The truth is merely another part of the human condition. Just as i mentioned in my promo, humanity is destined for destruction. We wage war against our own, the only thing separating us is our differing beliefs and our different points of view, and in the end, these points of view - which we see as the truth - lead to conflict. 

And that is what i want. A world without truth. A world where we all believe in the one idea - anarchy, and where humanity is able to live life as it was meant to - in a sea of lies. As i said, this world is insane, and i am only attempting to bring some clarity to this fucked up world we live in. 

In a world where the colour of your skin can determine your rights and where people are put to prison based on the faulty vision and opinions of another, can this be truly seen as order? Can the world we live in now, a world with so many things fucked up inside it, can this truly be seen as the right path to proceed upon? 

People manage to see the world we live in now as a stable place, not bothering to remember the thousands of people slaughtered each day by their own superiors, simply because those superiors have a different idea of truth, to those who disagree with him or her. People whose lives are lost on the pure basis of disagreement. 

The same can be represented in any facet of this world. Everything we do, between politics and workplace disputes comes down to a difference of opinions, and all of these events lead to bad things. The presidency is decided on the amount of people who prefer one's point of view to the other. The very thing that controls our society, the object responsible for the fate of human life, all comes down to a few words and an opinion. 

That is what needs to change. Now, i am not a communist, so all you Americans who hate communism don't have to start throwing pies and hot dogs at me and begin hurling obscene verbal abuse in my direction, because i don't believe in giving power to the people. No, that would lead to far too many problems. The people can't be trusted with anything, even their own consciences. 

No, it would be so much simpler to simply have one ruler, one path, the path to the real truth, lies. And the path to chaos, and anarchy. 

The voices really have given me a new sense of justice, a new sense of being, and if there ever was a time when a revolution was needed inside a wrestling company, it was now. These people need to be saved, and it's the time of the Age of Arrogance to do that. 

Suddenly there's a buzzing in my pocket and i reach into the small dark blue void on the side of my jeans and pull out the vibrating black rectangular device and i raise it to my ear, pressing the small green button as i do so. I wait for a moment and i can hear the familiar voice of "C Double" as it comes through the iPhone 4s, and i smile before i hear the loud greeting. 

"Sup mate, what's going on?" I ask, after hearing the "hello" from the other side of the line. 

"Just landed in Vegas, flight was bloody delayed so i might be a little late going out of the terminal." I can hear beeps and buzzes going off in the background, suggesting he was disembarking the plane now. 

"No problem mate, i'm just getting into McCarran now, so i'll meet you out the front." I pull into the massive structure and push my foot down hard on the accelerator of the 2012 Lamborghini Aventador. New Drake, new ambition, new car.

The feeling of the massive V12 engine revving throughout the airport's car-park is enough to wake the dead, and i notice the glaring and judgmental looks of some couples as i zoom by. I barely take any notice, and when one bloke finally takes the nerve to throw his arm in the air and make a punching motion, i just raise my arm out the window and give him the finger. 

As i pull hard on the steering wheel, guiding the suspension to dart around a tight corner, full well knowing that any mistake would prove costly for not just the car, but me, i push hard on the small panel beneath my feet once more, the rush of the 691 horsepower 6.5 litre V12 surges through my very core, and i find myself laughing as i pull up to piece of tarmac outside the large double doors of the Las Vegas McCarran International airport. 

Chris is already on his way out as i pull up, also with a grin spread across his face as he pulls the lever and the door pulls open - not horizontally like a normal car, but in true Lamborghini fashion, vertically - and he steps inside. 

"How was the flight?" I ask, hearing the soothing sound of the engine revving itself to 5000 RPM as we pull away, down the very car-park from which i just entered. 

"Shit, as usual. Never liked planes, did i ever tell you that?" He asks, fully well knowing the answer. 

"Naaah, you've never told me that before, we've only been best mates for eight years." I say, drawing on a sarcastic tone. I use my left hand to pull my blonde streaks out of my eyes as we turn onto the main road from the airport that eventually leads to my condo in Vegas, near MPW HQ. Cable is staying in a 5-star hotel a block away, so i offered to drive him there, that way we could discuss whatever he needed to and crack open some VB when we got back to my place. 

"You ever think about the ol' days?" Chris asks, pulling a bottle of water from his backpack and taking a sip. He only needs his carry-on luggage for all the trips he makes down to Vegas for events, and wherever else we're touring for MPW. 

"Not recently. After Turner i've sort of let all the memories slip away, to make new ones in it's place. Plus i think having the voice in the back of my head helps stop me thinking about that sort of stuff, especially the bad stuff." 

It was months since i'd even heard the name William Turner, or AWA for that matter. The recent Australian addition to the MPW roster, Jordan Tornado - or whatever his name is - was somebody i never crossed paths with in the Australian Wrestling Association, or anywhere for that matter. And now he comes into MPW boasting the fact that he's holding the AWA World title. 

Yeah, good one mate. 

As for Big Willy, i hadn't even bothered to check what mental institution he'd been signed up to. Hell, i didn't even bother checking if he even was in a mental institution, but my guess if as good as right if i knew the man who basically wanted to kill me. 

"Plus, thinking of Turner always ends up making me think of Lexi, and that's when i get all "insane"'." I say, as casually as possible. Chris was one of the first people who told me to forget her, and so far everything he's said has worked. And yet, she seems to be the one thing that the voice doesn't have control of anymore...

Don't start thinking about her....  

Speak of the devil. There it is now. There are certain things in this world that make a human being. Things such as actions and preferences can define who you are. Me, i only need one thing to define who i am. And it's speaking to me right now. 

You don't need her anymore. You only need the cause. The belief in the Messiah. You don't need women....

Well, when i said it had complete control over me, i may have been stretching the truth a bit. 

"Actually mate, considering it's Halloween  i think we'll make a small detour before we head home..." I say, pushing down harder on the accelerator until i see the speedometer reach one hundred miles per hour as we speed down the motorway.

"Where we goin'?" He asks, throwing the empty bottle of water out the window and onto the side of the road. 

"I think a club sounds nice right about now..." 



The streets are alive with the sound of partying and alcohol, the visuals even more spectacular than the music booming throughout the streets. They do call this Sin City, after all.

Everywhere we go there seems to be people dressed up in extravagant and sometimes plain daft costumes, and i know that oddly, we're probably going to be the ones that seem odd for not wearing a costume. The ratio of normal to crazy people walking around the streets is definitely out of whack on Halloween, which is good. Because that means i don't have to hold back. 

The Aventador pulls up in the valet car-park in a hotel and we get out, the valet attendant not quite believing his eyes as i throw the keys to him. Either he's never seen an Aventador before, or he's just seen my face for the first time and can't believe anybody could look so perfect. Either way, they're both mine. 

I hear the soothing sound of the engine once again being revved, although quite substantially weaker than when i was at it's helm. We exit the car park and begin to walk down the Las Vegas strip, taking in all the drunkenness and partying going on around us. I see elves, trolls, batmans, robins, ghosts, ghouls, fairies, princesses and a countless number of other costumes pass us, and even more through the windows of the clubs. 

"Tell you what, this place is electric most of the time, but i've never seen it like this." I say, looking up and around us at the sheer size of the partying. Normally i would be thinking about how humanity are all pawns to our own stupidity, but i allow one night a year for this behavior  We're all allowed to be a little rowdy sometimes, and what better night to do it than Halloween. 

A group of drunken, exceptionally good looking girls pass us and one - a blonde with a staggeringly beautiful face hidden behind a mask that covers the area around her eyes - winks at me, showing an expression of seduction before she takes a right and steps into the bar with her friends. 

I consider following for a moment, but instead follow Chris to the bar that seems to be louder than the one we just passed. Coming out of the bar as we walk past and two big, burly blokes with blonde hair, both of whom look as pissed as can be. At 11:00 at night. Already completely rat-assed. 

I shake my head and we walk on, passing more and more clubs as we go. Finally we settle on a two story bar with flashing lights everywhere. As we enter the bar, there is a bouncer who naturally checks to make sure we're fine looking people, and when he recognizes us from TV, he lets us in immediately, making sure to flash an exceptionally deranged smile as we walks through the double doors into the bar. 

The music is as loud as can legally be in the club, and we can barely even hear ourselves talk as we enter the bar and stand at a table, simply observing everything that's going on around us. We smile as we take drinks from a bartender and knock the drinks together, and the sound of the drinks clanging together is completely drowned out by the music. 

As we both down our drinks we ready ourselves for a night of Halloween partying and "fun" among the people. Well, even saviours need to party. 

Four hours later, we walk out of the bar, slightly tipsy, and our arms around two absolutely gorgeous women - a red head wearing a sexy police woman costume that leaves nothing to the imagination, and a brunette wearing an exceptionally slutty princess outfit. The redhead's mine, and the brunette is Chris's, and as we walk out of the bar and down the steps, taking in all the atmosphere in a semi-drunk state, we walk back towards the hotel where we left the car. 

"So you guys are both wrestlers?" One of the girls asks for the third time this evening. They may have been hot, but they were still as dumb as most American women when they drink. 

"Yep, Millennium Pro Wrestling baby. We're bringing in a new world..." I say, reflecting on just how much this world needs that statement. 

Individualism is something that is deeply needed in the world. There are too many people trying to follow the rules, too many being sheep, when they should be the masters of their own lives, make their own paths. It's hard to think while you're looking down the tight top of a red-headed woman, lipstick marks covering your body and the after-effects of a good night still lingering in other parts of your body, but even through the adversity of partying i was still able to see exactly why i'm doing what i'm doing, and exactly what i need to do. 

As we walk down past one of the clubs we'd passed on the way down, we see two blokes, both blonde and both completely pissed off their tits. It's this stuff that makes things go wrong, go horribly wrong. 

Some people really are idiots. 

We try to pass them, but without even seeing us they block our way, trying to chat up two brunettes that just happen to be walking by, sleazily bowing and one of the men grabbing one of the girl's asses. The woman, quite obviously sober, bats the hand away and tries to get past them. However, the men don't stop and one of them tries to grab the woman's arm to stop her from running away. 

I condone a bit of stupidity, but not downright idiotic behavior.  

We push past, but the other man, probably more drunk than his friend, pulls my arm back, and in one fluent motion, i yank myself free and bend back, taking two sidesteps towards the man as i superkick him in the jaw. The impact sends his body falling to the ground, still conscious, and as he clutches the probably broken jaw, the other tries to grab me in a choke hold, attempting to avenge his friend.

Before he can even get close to me however, Chris comes in with a massive right hand to the man's gut, and as he bends over, his knees on the ground, i bend down to both of the men, now together, and pull their heads close together as i whisper something in their ears. 

"This, this is exactly what i mean. You people have nothing, no inhibitions, no senses, and then you take it out on others. This is the human fault, utter and complete stupidity, this is why you need saving." I push their heads back down onto the hard gravel and they half-cry half-grunt in pain, and as i get to my feet, taking a moment to stand over their bodies laid out on the concrete, the two girls come close to me, trying to determine whether or not i'm insane, or whether or not i'm hurt. 

I pull my head up to see a small number of people on the sidewalk, a few metres away from the two bodies, who are now regaining their senses. They are all staring at me as if i am some sort of monster, and rightly so. Because in their eyes i probably am a monster, but then again, i've never much cared for the world in other people's eyes. I prefer to see things in my own eyes. 

"You see this? Abuse, power, pain....it needs to be eradicated. I would like to personally welcome you all to the Age of Arrogance...." They all recognize who i am - MPW is the leading wrestling company in Vegas, and i can see their cowering looks across their faces. They all know exactly who i am and what i'm capable of. 

Now it's time for Millennium Punk Wrestling to know the same. 


It's nice to wake up in the same bed, every day, and know that you're purpose remains the same. 

Despite the massive ache in your head - and other regions - it's nice to know that everything is in place, everything is right. For now. Then you start reflecting on the things that are wrong. The things that don't make sense, the things you want to stop and the things that you wish you still had. Any normal person would take these things and simply think. No, i prefer action to thinking. 

Plans, they've existed since the beginning of time. It is in the nature of every living being to plan. Animals plan for the hard times, as do humans. Plans, however, are also meant to be set in action. And my plans are just getting started. 

There are times when plans do not work out, and it's in those times that i love to have a voice in the back of my head. Because i know that this voice doesn't act on impulse, or adrenaline, or desperation, no, the voice acts on cold, calculating, planning, even in a split second. Because even with complete adrenaline and desperation in front of my eyes, in the back of my head i will be doing what i always do: listen.

And that is why i cannot lose. 

Because I am different to all the other idiots back there drawing to the fans. I don't need to appeal to those blood-suckers leeches that others call "fans", because i have all i need to win matches, to get through wrestling, to become a champion...

The knocking on the door reaches as far as my bedroom in the condo, where i remember spending some of the nights of my life with the woman i loved the most in my life.....Electra. 

Stop thinking about her Drake, you don't need her....

I guess it's right, there is no need for love in this world, there is only the need for chaos, for anarchy, for justice...

Stay true to the cause, stay real to the beliefs. This is the Age of Arrogance, and you are it's leader...

I walk forwards, only a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on, even through the cold Fall day, and by the time i reach the door, the second round of knocking starts. 

"I'm coming for fuck's sake." I say, rubbing my eyes which are still tired from the sleep-in. I pull the door open and all of a sudden i'm awake. Standing in front of the me is the most beautiful girl i've ever seen the world, and she has been since i turned sixteen and went to the Australian Wrestling Association with her. 

"Alyssa, what the hell are you doing here?" My voice is completely monotone, except for the last word, which i exclaim with more than a hint of malice and an incredible sense of distaste. 

"Nice to see you too..." I can tell she looks disappointed with my greeting. I don't know what she was expecting, but i certainly wasn't going to jump into her arms like some puppy. 

"Afraid i can't say the same thing..." I say, crossing my arms and waiting for her to tell me exactly what purpose has brought her to my condo. I still have no idea of the time - probably after midday knowing my hangovers - and as i look into her face i see that she has barely aged a day. I doubt she'd be saying the same about me. I didn't think she'd even recognize me if we ever bumped into each other. 

"Look Drake-"

"Before you start asking for me to take you back, let me just tell you something. I've been sitting here for months mourning how Lexi left me. But you don't for a moment thing that i've forgiven you. You walked out on me because you were creeped out by a psychopath in a mask, who - if you even bothered to watch the last days of NYCCW - i BEAT. Without your help, i beat my worst enemy, in what was one of the worst matches of my life."


"Without any word from you. Then, one day, you come back, you want me back, try to make me give up my girlfriend to get back together with my first love. But listen carefully, you and I cannot work. Because now i don't need love. I have the Age of Arrogance. And if you, for some wacky reason, feel like you wanna be a part of my movement, then by all means you can do whatever you like. But i do not wanna get back into this with you. You are going to bring me pain, and pain alone. So don't even start."

I stare at her, trying to judge her expression. But as usual, it's unreadable, only that divine face that i fell in love with when i was in my late teens, when i was a fool and i didn't see how much the wrestling world needed a Messiah. Now, that's changed...

"You done?" She asks, placing her hands on her hips. Looks like she hasn't lost her attitude.

I motion for her to speak, leaning back with my arms still crossed. 

"Drake, i've only come here for an interview. I've taken up a job at ProWrestlingInsider magazine. I'm based in Vegas, covering MPW and other local companies. So please, can we just do this interview, and then we can talk after that?" She pulls a tape recorder out of her pocket and holds it up. 

"No." I say, moving back.

"What!" She looks at me with those daggers, those eyes that she's stared into me multiple times before. "Bu-why!"

"Because i simply don't have time. I've got training today, and i'm supposed to be getting ready for my match tonight. I'll give you your interview next week, and then we'll have more time to talk." 

She looks like she's about to say something, but i simple step back and slam the door, not waiting to see if she's hurling sware words in my general direction, but rather going back to bed. 

Yeah, when i said preparations, i meant sleep. In one hour i'll be at MPW HQ, ready to take on Trey Baxter and show the world what the Age of Arrogance is. In one hour i'll be ready, ready to be the Messiah of professional wrestling. 

But for the solitary hour i have left, sleep will suffice.